
      O teste de cores ou análise de cores, é um serviço de consultoria de imagem que ajuda as clientes a perceberem quais são as cores que mais as favorecem a nível do rosto. Com este teste a cliente fica a saber que cores a favorecem na maquilhagem,...

  “The name’s Bond. James Bond”   He is the Original Daniel Craig / James Bond lookalike. From his first assignment in Monte Carlo back in 2007 he has lead the way as the leading Daniel Craig lookalike. Since then he has been asked to appear on Film, TV, Stage,...

  “A brief moment to tell you that my art is my soul.”   Graduating in Belas Artes from the Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa, she specialized in painting.   Studying Arts and Crafts, including ceramics, the Portuguese painter, also graduated from the private ArCo School of Art in...

Our Portuguese visual artist and illustrator (1988) has been delighting us with her enchanted visual world, evoking a deep sense of wonder with the fantastical, benevolent creatures that inhabit its dark and mysterious corners, be they mystical wolves or magical foxes, bewitching tigers or shamanistic...

    “TONIGHT YOU´LL SLEEP WITH THE FISHES.” Born in the wrong side of the tracks, the once called "chuck norris of the underworld" soon learned how to survive and prosper from illegal acts, but the constant menace of sleeping with the fishes forced this upcoming mafioso to...

  Redefining Street Art Though saying a lot about his art and technique, it's far from explaining the whole concept behind his work.   Born in 1976, currently living in Sintra, near Lisbon, Portugal, he is among the most respected urban artists of the country and in Europe.   He’s been...

  O nosso Artista é profissional das técnicas de:   - Ilustração   - Caricatura   - Banda Desenhada   - Concepção de Personagens     Este grande talento exporta neste momento os seus trabalhos para Brasil, Holanda, Angola, Austria, Alemanha, França e Itália   É um profissional com mais de 200 eventos realizados!   Principais Clientes:   - Mercedes - Novartis - TVI - CTT -...

  Choose which Lookalikes you would like in the act and customise it for your event!   Have a special guest from your event appear in the line up as a double for added surprise!   Have the double host your event, give out awards and bring star quality to...

    Fotos Ilimitadas para horário abaixo descrito (1 Foto = 1 Impressão)   Consumíveis para impressão de fotos 10 x 15    Envio de todas as fotos digitais via wetransfer ou em pen no final da animação    Apoio Técnico  4 Horas de serviço incluidas CADA HORA EXTRA será cobrado extra DECOR PERSONALIZADO é cobrado valor...

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