About This Project

Let´s get the party started!


This Dance Group is led by Erwin Eduardo Sanchez , former dancer of the National Ballet of Salsa in Colombia, with a professional experience of over ten years, representing the style of Cali Colombia in different parts of the world .
This dance company was formed in the year 2009 , initially had sixteen dancers, currently is made ​​up of twenty-five dancers from different parts of world.
The artistic work of the company retains the authentic style of Colombian salsa, which is characterized by the foot speed , agility in stunts and originality.
Our Artist´s work with great effort and discipline but always with the purpose to innovate and evolve artistic and professionally.

The achievements of this group are reflected in the presentations and performances that they have done all over the world:

–       Spain

–       France

–       Germany

–       China – Shanghai & Tokyo

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